I had THE BEST vacation ever! Phase one--I met Mark and Gretch in Colorado for a few days of laughing, eating, reminiscing...yoga, world class scenary and well....not too much is better than being with them in our family's beloved Rocky Mountains. I have miles of sketches and start with these.
I sat on a corner and could have sketched all day. I was approached by a really darling girl, Melissa Neuner, curious about what I was up to! She has an art studio/school in Crested Butte We talked about art and everything else (!) and became fast friends. I hope to see you next summer, Melissa! Check out her passion, if you are in the area
http://crestedbuttestudio.com/default.aspThe church in the distance is where Charles and I found a minister to marry us on the banks of Spring Creek. It is a different color now, so I painted it the way I remember it back in 1981.
The second sketch is dedicated to my brother, Paul---he would call this "Another Day In Paradise"... in this case Paradise Cafe!
This was a day of bliss.......